Circular PET Polyester recycling reaches 1,000 Liter scale

(this article first appeared on
Circular PET Polyester recycling reaches 1,000 Liter scale

Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 20 April 2016

Will infinite PET Polyester plastics become reality? Ioniqa invented and developed a cost-competitive process up-cycling all kinds and colours of PET Polyester waste into raw materials for ‘virgin’ new PET Polyester. In the last weeks the recycling process was scaled up successfully to a volume of 1,000 liters. This brings the world closer to an economical viable solution for tens of millions of tons of PET Polyester waste, currently downcycled, dumped or incinerated.

In the last few weeks several 1,000 liter runs were performed. Very crucial tests to proof that Ioniqa’s Magnetic Smart Process – used to upcycle all kinds and colours of PET Polyester waste – works at this large scale. The successful outcome of these recent runs makes it possible for Ioniqa to proceed. Ioniqa is now inviting partners in the value chain for live testing with their own PET Polyester feedstock.

Ioniqa calls for companies interested in this circular solution to visit our pilot facilities in the coming months. They can now experience our disruptive technology by themselves. The current 1,000 liter facility is the last stop before building the first plant in the Netherlands, a 10.000 ton production plant, planned to be operational in 2017.

PET Polyester is used in drink bottles, food packages, clothes, carpets and many more applications. Each year almost 60 million tons of PET-polyester plastics are produced worldwide, of which 90 % is down-cycled, dumped or incinerated. Ioniqa offers as one of the first companies in the world a cost-effective high-quality solution for this worldwide problem.

About Ioniqa Technologies

Ioniqa Technologies BV is a clean-tech company, founded in 2009 and located in Eindhoven (the Netherlands). Ioniqa specializes in Magnetic Smart Processes, a platform technology applied to PET-polyester recycling and carries the promise for many other recycling applications in the future. Ioniqa is a spin-off from the Eindhoven University of Technology and the Dutch Polymer Institute.

Contact information:

Tonnis Hooghoudt, CEO Ioniqa

T: +31.681.462.963



Tw: @ioniqacircula